This past week was the annual DNN-Connect Conference and it was another awesome event! DNN-Connect was held in Ireland on the beautiful campus of Limerick University. It was great to meet and see members of the DNN Community from all over the world. I met several DNN Community members who I’ve interacted with for years online, but yet had never met in person.
The sessions were packed with great info and content, the food was good, and the social atmosphere among attendees was very welcoming and inviting. If you were not able to attend DNN-Connect 2018 be sure to catch the online video replays. We also heard some rumors about very interesting future locations for DNN-Connect! Thanks again to all the conference organizers and volunteers. Hosting a conference is no easy task and you all did a magnificent job!
Outside of DNN-Connect there were other noticeable things happening in the DNN Ecosystem. The new Partner Program launched and the new directory is visible on the site. Over the past month I’ve had several meetings and conversations with members of the partner program and it seems the updated program has been well received by the community. If you are building DNN websites and are not yet listed in the directory, you should check it out and sign up!
Also notable was the transition in leadership in the DNN TAG group. Shaun Walker is remaining an active member of the group, but has transitioned the leadership of the group to Mitchel Sellers. Mitchel has hit the ground running and has already met with DNN Corp leadership and we should be seeing the DNN TAG group making even more progress soon.

June 21st, 2018
Southern Fried DNN
Charlotte, NC & Live-Streamed Online
The Charlotte based DNN User Group, Southern Fried DNN, will host their monthly meeting next Thursday. This meeting will feature Daniel Valadas and Mitchel Sellers discussing all things GitHub, DNN, Open Source, and the Community’s direction . This meeting will be live-streamed to the greater DNN Community.
Register for the Meetup

Note: This tip comes from Shawn McGillivray, a Senior Support Analyst at DNN Corp.
Performance Tip: Minify Resource Files
If you aren’t already using them, Minification and Resource Composition are two easy to enable options you can use to speed up your page load times. DNN allows gives you the choice to apply this to a single portal, globally across all portals.
- Minification: This is the act of removing any unneeded whitespace, creating smaller files. Smaller files make for faster transfers. You can choose to minify CSS or Javascript, or both.
- Composite Files: By combining multiple files into one, you reduce the total number of requests made by a page load, thus speeding things up.
As with many settings in DNN, you also have the option to apply these settings globally, or on a per portal basis. The switches to enable these settings and their scope in DNN 9.x are found at the following location:
Settings > Servers > Server Settings > Performance > Client Resource Management Mode

Interview with DNN Technology Advisory Group Leader, Mitchel Sellers:
Mitchel Sellers has assumed the leadership role within the DNN TAG and is already getting things done. This brief interview will provide you with insight into Mitchel’s vision and the direction of the Technology Advisory Group.
Have you seen Discover.NET? It’s a great resource for finding .NET open source and community resources. Nice to see DNN listed in the project gallery.
In this new section we’ll highlight individuals who’ve made contributions and projects that have recently updated. There are several open source modules that have been updated recently with most of them creating updates to solve the effect of the recently deprecated DNN API methods in v9.2.0. A sample of new releases:
And this is just a small list of the things going around. Do you want to see more? A collection of free, open source DNN modules can be found in the DNN Community organization and in the DNN-Connect organization on GitHub
Featured Tweets
Iowa Computer Gurus tweeted about their CEO, Mitchel Sellers, and his leadership of the DNN TAG group.
Aderson Oliveira tweeted about his video interviews regarding how ecosystem members select modules from the DNN Store.
Kelly Ford tweeted providing updates to the status of the DNN Docs Group.