It’s been a LONG time since I began and last updated the “participate” blog series. A lot of things have changed since then. I am at a new company. Shaun Walker moved on too. Joe Brinkman is now leading community. Charles Nurse took over as the Chief Architect. The DNN core is now much more open for contributions, and so many more changes. Regardless to your personal opinions, there is a bright future for DNN. Part of this is the introduction of working groups, one of which is the Training working group that I am leading – and I need your help. Nay… The COMMUNITY needs your help!
What is the Training Working Group?
Instead of rewriting it, here it is in Joe Brinkman’s own words:
The training group is responsible for developing and coordinating educational events and content for the community including community webinars, virtual conferences and platform documentation. This group will also work where possible with various community organizations like DNN-Connect and DNNCon to ensure we are providing valuable educational events and content throughout the year and to help avoid scheduling conflicts between the various events.
There are a few focuses that are very high on my priority list. They include:
- Maintaining and growing community events overall
- Recruiting event coordinators & scheduling more DNNCon events (DNN-Connect is in good hands already)
- Recruiting more speakers for DNNHangout
- Getting more DNN documentation and videos generated & added to the DNN wiki and blog
- Plan a virtual DNN conference for next spring
- Plan a resurgence for DNN user groups (will likely include some development)
The Current Team
As of right now, the team is small. It includes Jay Mathis, Chris Hammond, and myself – but there is room for you too!
How Can You Help?
If you are reading this, you already qualify to be able to help us out. We have a growing backlog of tasks that need to be taken care of. We need people of all skill sets… Designers, administrators, technical writers, bloggers, and yes – developers too. Even if you can only commit to a single task every month, your participation will be most welcome.
We might have meetings from time to time, but they won’t be regularly held and they won’t be mandatory.
What Do You Do Next?
If you are interested – even as a proofreader – please just leave a comment about what you want to do and we’ll get you started. I would like to match you up with any area that you are passionate about and let you loose on it.
This blog post is cross-posted from my personal DNN blog.