





New Community Website

Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

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The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

The use of the Community Blog is covered by our Community Blog Guidelines - please read before commenting or posting.

Entries for 'Daniel Mettler'

Adding Content-Blocks within 1-2nd (one second)

We believe that content management must be easy, slick and cool. A core factor to achieve that is a fast UI - in our vision, interactions should take less than 1 second. So we call it the 1-2nd vision. We've already achieved much using AJAX, angular-js, drag-and-drop upload and more. Now in 2sxc 8.4 we're introducing quick-insert, which allows inserting content and app modules in less than 1 second. 

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Apr 30
By: Daniel Mettler

Using Font-Icon Pickers and Icon Search in Dynamic Content Types

Providing content-editors with icon-pickers helps create awesome content. Use it to create designed tiles showing features or linking pages, or to spice up any kind of content. 

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Apr 29
By: Daniel Mettler

Create Custom Icon-Fonts in 99 Seconds for Web Sites (video)

You really need custom icon-fonts if you're serious about designed content or need buttons in your app. Here's how in 99 seconds, + after that lots of tips, tricks from real life experience.

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Apr 27
By: Daniel Mettler

Non-Blocking "Are-You-Sure" Dialog Pattern with AngularJS (300)

In modern web UX we sometimes need to ask the user something - but it's also ok if the user ignores the question. An example of this is when the user accidentally clicks the background of a modal-dialog. Here's how to implement an elegant solution using AngularJS and Angular-Toastr

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Apr 25
By: Daniel Mettler

How to upload fonts or icon font packages to DNN

If you need to add fonts or font-icons to a remote DNN without direct file access, you need to upload the files - here's how.

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Apr 23
By: Daniel Mettler

The Trouble with DNN JavaScript / CSS Minification (aka Client Dependency / Resource Management)

(Opinion) For years now 2sxc has promoted the merits of the DNN Client-Dependency-Management, and tried to use it wherever possible + recommended it in blogs. In reality, it hurt us badly. Bogdan from DNNSharp showed me a better way - so 2sxc now officially stops doing this, and recommend that you evaluate if this is important for you too.

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Apr 12
By: Daniel Mettler

An Essay on Auto-Converting Titles to Paths like Wordpress

When we create apps like blogs, articles or news we often need to generate a nice, SEO-style path for the details page, which should contain the title. This looks easy - I spent over a day on this simple challenge, and would like to share what I worked out…

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Mar 17
By: Daniel Mettler

3 Reasons why We're Moving from Grunt to Gulp

We've been working with JS-Automation for about a year now, specializing more and more on Grunt. But the more we relied on it, the more we had to go out of our way to get around problems inherent to Grunt. So we gave Gulp a chance and were very, very surprised.

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Mar 05
By: Daniel Mettler

Data is not Content - they are very, very different (200)

I often see developers solving content challenges with the data-oriented principles. This is fundamentally wrong, like writing a sentence using letters instead of words. Such data-solutions work - but only after educating the editor in database concepts. Our customers find DNN-solutions simpler than Wordpress - because of a paradigm shift which changes everything we do. I would love to help you to see the world in this way - here's an attempt at it…

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Feb 27
By: Daniel Mettler

Debugging JavaScript Errors with a Modern Browser and F12 (200)

And the devil spoke: "Let there be errors". And God Spoke: "Let there be a debugger". This is a short tutorial to get you started in cornering JavaScript errors. 

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Feb 24
By: Daniel Mettler
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Aderson Oliveira (22)
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Antonio Chagoury (28)
Ash Prasad (37)
Ben Schmidt (1)
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Benoit Sarton (9)
Beth Firebaugh (12)
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Bogdan Litescu (1)
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Bruce Chapman (20)
Bryan Andrews (1)
cathal connolly (55)
Charles Nurse (163)
Chris Hammond (213)
Chris Paterra (55)
Clint Patterson (108)
Cuong Dang (21)
Daniel Bartholomew (2)
Daniel Mettler (181)
Daniel Valadas (48)
Dave Buckner (2)
David Poindexter (12)
David Rodriguez (3)
Dennis Shiao (1)
Doug Howell (11)
Erik van Ballegoij (30)
Ernst Peter Tamminga (80)
Francisco Perez Andres (17)
Geoff Barlow (12)
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Oliver Hine (1)
Patricio F. Salinas (1)
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Philip Beadle (135)
Philipp Becker (4)
Richard Dumas (22)
Robert J Collins (5)
Roger Selwyn (8)
Ruben Lopez (1)
Ryan Martinez (1)
Sacha Trauwaen (1)
Salar Golestanian (4)
Sanjay Mehrotra (9)
Scott McCulloch (1)
Scott Schlesier (11)
Scott Wilkinson (3)
Scott Willhite (97)
Sebastian Leupold (80)
Shaun Walker (237)
Shawn Mehaffie (17)
Stefan Cullmann (12)
Stefan Kamphuis (12)
Steve Fabian (31)
Steven Fisher (1)
Tony Henrich (3)
Torsten Weggen (3)
Tycho de Waard (4)
Vicenç Masanas (27)
Vincent Nguyen (3)
Vitaly Kozadayev (6)
Will Morgenweck (40)
Will Strohl (180)
William Severance (5)
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