





New Community Website

Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

Yay... Take Me to the Community!

The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

The use of the Community Blog is covered by our Community Blog Guidelines - please read before commenting or posting.

DNN Platform and Evoq 9.2 Release Notes

I am pleased to announce the release of 9.2. This release took longer than usual, as we were busy reorganizing ourselves past DNN's acquisition back in August 2017. Nevertheless, 9.2 is packed with lots of goodness. Let's get started.

Updates in DNN Platform 9.2

DNN Prompt

DNN Platform comes with a brand new command line interface to perform administrative tasks. Read more about DNN Prompt here. DNN Prompt is extensible as well, meaning you can add your own commands as well. Look out for a future blog on this topic.

Updated Page Management

The page management experience has been greatly enhanced using tree view navigation. You can drag & drop !)

Introducing Connectors (along with Azure Storage Connector)

Connectors were first introduced in Evoq to have a single place to manage external connections. Evoq integrates with several services such as Dropbox, Box, Mailchimp, Zendesk, etc., which all use one common interface to define and configure connection information. Just like anything else in DNN, Connectors were built with extensibility in mind. We have now moved the base Connectors framework into DNN Platform. Along with that, we also made the Azure Storage Connector availble in Platform as well. Look out for a future blog on this topic.

Performance Updates

  • User Search - Faster and more reliable user search in Persona Bar
  • Security Analyzer - Faster initial scan

Framework Updates

A number of platform updates were done in this release

Overall Stablizatiion

Stabilization in the following DNN Platform features: Site Settings, Installation & Upgrade, Journal, Localization, Messaging, MVC, SEO, Search, User Profile, Login & Registration, Client Depdendency, CK Editor, DDR Menu, Host SQL, Image Handler, Member Directory, Redirect updates, and Display module on all pages.

Updates in Evoq Basic 9.2

(note: Evoq Content 9.2 contains the new features listed above in DNN Platform 9.2)

Improvements in Persona Bar Assets

Now you can set publish period and attributes for files via Persona Bar Assets.

Overall Stablizatiion

Stabilization in the following Evoq Basic features: Workflow, Open Grpah, Active Directory, Edit Bar and Google Analytics Connector.

Updates in Evoq Content 9.2

(note: Evoq Content 9.2 contains the new features listed above in DNN Platform 9.2 and Evoq Basic 9.2)

Liquid Content Localization

Now you can easily localize content items per the languages defined in your site. The visualizers in Liquid Content have been updated to render the content in the page or site's selected language.

Additional Liquid Content Enhancements

Improved import/export, the addition of oData Filtering, enhancements to SEO, and improvements to editing default content types.

Improvements in Mailchimp Integration

Improved profile data synchronization.

Overall Stablizatiion

Stabilization in the following Evoq Content features: Box Connector, Dropbox Connector and Content Personalization.

Updates in Evoq Engage 9.2

(note: Evoq Engage 9.2 contains the new features listed above in DNN Platform 9.2, Evoq Basic 9.2 and Evoq Content 9.2)

Improvements in Zendesk Connector

Connector now correctly updates ticket status to OPEN while adding a comment. Better column layout.

Overall Stablizatiion

Stabilization in the following Evoq Engage features: Answers, Groups Directory, Blogs, Activity Stream, Leaderboard.

  • Published:


David Poindexter
@Ash Prasad - thanks.

Perhaps you should include a link to the actual release?

Also, there should be Release Notes in the actual release on GitHub. That's where most will expect it, though it is nice to have it in a blog too. :)

Lastly, what are the chances of standardizing these package names? They seem to be all over the place. Why is are the build number ranges a part of the package names?

By the way, the format of this blog is a bit hard to digest easily.

Not trying to be negative at all - just a community member with suggestions for improvement. :)
David Poindexter Friday, March 23, 2018 2:18 PM (link)
Will Strohl
Is there missing content in this blog? There's a handful of headers with no content beneath them.

Also, what happens to the people that are currently using 51Degrees when they upgrade? Do they simply lose the functionality, or is that only for new installations?

I have similar questions for nearly all of these features. What is the impact of each for new and upgraded instances of DNN? Unfortunately, this blog post only leaves me with questions. :(
Will Strohl Friday, March 23, 2018 6:26 PM (link)
Horacio Judeikin
"Introducing connectors"
Where are they documented?
What's the difference between connectors and folder providers?
Will folder providers be discontinued?

Was Evoq (9.2) fixed to support folder providers?

On 20 Jun 2017 I've created a Jira ticket" "Unable to add / configure Folder Providers (Folder Types) in Evoq 9.1+"

It was simply closed as "Won't Fix" with the unacceptable "users will need to install Telerik and then DAM to access this".
Relly? So, thinking it was a misunderstanding I've create a new Jira ticket. It was simply deleted and never answered.

DNN Corp never replied to my questions.

I've created question in the forum:
It was replied by Sebastian, not DNN Corp, and it was just a "I guess it will be fixed"

I never got a reply nor explanation from DNN Corp.

Will this comment be also deleted?

Horacio Judeikin Friday, March 23, 2018 7:27 PM (link)
Ash Prasad
Blog needs some more work. I am working on it.. I will be posting a couple of more blogs. This is as fast as I am able to type today :)
Ash Prasad Friday, March 23, 2018 7:27 PM (link)
Will Strohl
Thanks, Ash. There are a number of other interesting questions posed by Horacio and David too.
Will Strohl Friday, March 23, 2018 7:30 PM (link)
Is there any way for Evoq customers to find details of the improvements made to that product? The platform issue tracker is publicly available and let everyone see all of the issues that were taken care of, but the Evoq tracker is private so all we get is "Overall Stabilization."
okhenry Friday, March 23, 2018 8:54 PM (link)
Joe Ceppaglia
Hi everyone,

I am having trouble finding the Liquid Content Localization functionality. I am not able to create Content Item's in multiple languages.

I have a new site running 9.2 with English (primary), Spanish, Russian, and Chinese enabled. I am able to create Content Items in English, but if I try to create Content Items in any of the other languages, it doesn't not allow me to.

Is there any documentation on how to do this? If not, can someone please explain how to manage multilingual Liquid Content?

Joe Ceppaglia Wednesday, April 18, 2018 8:12 PM (link)
Horacio Judeikin
So... Here it goes again, because there are no reply in the forums, no reply in jira tickets, and nobody from DNN Corp says anything.

"Introducing connectors"
Where are they documented?
What's the difference between connectors and folder providers?
Will folder providers be discontinued?

Was Evoq (9.2) fixed to support folder providers?

Horacio Judeikin Friday, May 11, 2018 7:19 PM (link)
Will Strohl
Great questions, Horacio... :)
Will Strohl Friday, May 11, 2018 8:44 PM (link)
David Poindexter
Great questions indeed!
David Poindexter Friday, May 11, 2018 10:40 PM (link)

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