With DNN 9, one of the features that has gone missing, is the ability to see which pages a specific module is on. In older versions of DNN you found this functionality on the HOST/Extensions page, but in DNN 9.0.0/1/2 it was left out (I’ve been told it is coming back in DNN 9.1).
I had a need to track down where a module was, and my normal process was to simply query the database tables to figure out where something was used. I decided to spend a few more minutes this time around and come up with a more reusable script, and I also decided that it might be helpful to put that script, along with future scripts I create, on GitHub into a public Repository.
Here’s the SCRIPT as it stands as of the time of this blog post, you can also find the direct link to it in the repo at the end of this post.
Created By: Chris Hammond (http://www.christoc.com)
You can run this script to see where a module is in use. This is useful if you are trying to figure out which pages and portals
in a DNN instance are using a specific module.
Usage: Change the @moduleName parameter to provide the name of the module you are looking for.
If you running this in SQL Server, instead of via the SQL Console in DNN, you can replace the {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier} tokens.
{databaseOwner} - If you're using DBO simply replace this with "DBO." (without the quotes).
{objectQualifier} - If you're not using an object qualifier, replace this with an empty string.
Results: This script will return the TabID, PortalID, Tab Name and Portal Name for any pages that are using a module.
declare @moduleName nvarchar(255) ='%REPLACE ME%'
;with DM as (
select * from {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}DesktopModules where friendlyname like @modulename)
md as (
select * from {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}moduledefinitions where desktopmoduleid in (select desktopmoduleid from dm))
m as (
select * from {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}modules where moduledefid in (select moduledefid from md))
,tm as (
select * From {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}tabmodules where moduleid in (select moduleid from m)
, t as (
select * from {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}tabs where tabid in (select tabid from tm))
select TabId,t.PortalId,TabName,p.PortalName From t join {databaseOwner}{objectQualifier}portallocalization p on t.portalid=p.portalid