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Ordinarily, you'd be at the right spot, but we've recently launched a brand new community website... For the community, by the community.

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The Community Blog is a personal opinion of community members and by no means the official standpoint of DNN Corp or DNN Platform. This is a place to express personal thoughts about DNNPlatform, the community and its ecosystem. Do you have useful information that you would like to share with the DNN Community in a featured article or blog? If so, please contact .

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DNN 7.4.2 Beta

DNNReleaseI am pleased to announce that DNN 7.4.2 Beta has been released.  DNN 7.4.2 is almost complete and we are just doing some cleanup and testing before our planned September release. We currently going through some performance testing and will likely include a couple more fixes before our final release.  In the meantime, we thought it would be good to give the community a chance to take a look at the 7.4.2 release and let us know if there are any show stopping issues we might have missed. 

One big change that we were able to get into this 7.4.2 build is a feature we developed for DNN 8 which allows us to support incremental upgrades of the same version. What that means is that if you install the 7.4.2 Beta, we now have a way to ensure that you can still upgrade to the final release when it comes out.  So if you feel like living on the bleeding edge, then you can install this Beta on a production server and know that when the final version comes out that you still have a path forward.

Like all releases, I definitely recommend that you take a backup of any site you upgrade before applying the release.

Major Highlights

  • Added support for incremental upgrades
  • Fixed issue where browsing to a child portal returned 404 error
  • Fixed issue where deleting all notifications, deleted all messages
  • Fixed issue where sitemap was not outputing correct list in multi-language sites
  • Fixed issue where restoring a page from the recycle bin failed to work
  • Fixed issue where exporting page did not work
  • Fixed issue where incorrect AffiliateID is sent in email notification
  • Fixed issue where request filter was not executing
  • Fixed multiple issues with the password reset function
  • Fixed issue where reaching max connection pool size crashes platform
  • Fixed issue where deleting SuperUsers wasn't working
  • Fixed issue where containers were not changed properly in multi-language sites
  • Fixed issue where host was unable to delete a list
  • Fixed issue where pagenames were forced to be unique across languages
  • Fixed issue where sitecrawler used large amount of memory when crawling large sites
  • Fixed issue where UserInfo.Social was not correctly applying read/write lock
  • Fixed issue where skin fallback logic was not applied correctly
  • Fixed issue where WebAPI method attributes were not working in Windows Authentication
  • Fixed issue where module install wizard caused error when Page State Persistence is set to 'Memory'

Community Contributors

  • AugustKarlstedt (1)
  • Barry Waluszko (2)
  • Bogdan Litescu (1)
  • Brian Dukes (4)
  • Carlos Miranda (1)
  • Ernst Peter Tamminga (4)
  • Henry Kenuam (2)
  • Ingo Herbote (1)
  • Jan Jonas (9)
  • Julien Girerd (1)
  • raphael.mueller (1)
  • redhound (1)
  • Sebastian Leupold (8)
  • Stefan Cullmann (2)
  • Stephen Lim (3)
  • Torsten Weggen (1)
  • Vicenç Masanas (1)

You can download the 7.4.2 Beta on CodePlex.


Luis Medina
Great Work, Thank you by your effort.
Luis Medina Saturday, August 8, 2015 11:07 AM (link)
Jan Jonas
Hi Joe, the release/7.4.2-beta branch on GitHub seems to be missing. There is only a release/7.4.2 branch. For 7.2.0 there are separated branches for 7.2.0 and 7.2.0-beta. Thanks for your work and effort that you put into 7.4.2.
Jan Jonas Tuesday, August 11, 2015 1:57 AM (link)
mohammad azarbara
Good job, Thanks
mohammad azarbara Wednesday, August 12, 2015 2:52 PM (link)
noshy gjm
Excelent Job, very thanks
noshy gjm Tuesday, August 18, 2015 2:47 PM (link)
Joe Brinkman
We didn't create a separate branch for the beta this cycle. We really only create a branch when we need time to stabilize it while we continue working on the main release branch. If we think the branch is already stable enough, then we'll just use the development branch. I will however, go back and add a release label so it is easy to find in GitHub.
Joe Brinkman Wednesday, August 19, 2015 8:09 AM (link)
Rob Burton
Will we be able to style the [PAGER] tag?
Rob Burton Tuesday, September 8, 2015 10:53 PM (link)

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