Microfinancing: help others with a small loan
I enjoyed the DNNCon 2014 DNN conference in West Palm Beach last week: well organized, good food and company, interesting presentations and a lot of friends around. In short: a real DNN community buzz. But in one of the last rounds, there was an ignite session that triggered me (again).
In this iginite session, the DNN Community team on KIVA was mentioned, as a reflection on my ignite session in 2013. KIVA is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world. Learn more about how KIVA works.
DNN Community on KIVA
The DNN Community has formed a team on KIVA. We want to empower individuals around the world with a specific focus on computing/internet related requests. Most of us are small business owners and we know how important local businesses are to economic development. The DNN Community team on KIVA has done more than 230 loans in the past years. And the nice thing about a KIVA loan is that you will get your money back in time in small payments, so you can loan it again to someone who needs it more than you (or add another $25 or $50 or ...).
Join the DNN Community team on KIVA
We invite you to become part of the DNN Community team on KIVA. Join us on Kiva and help alleviate poverty by making loans as small as $25! Join our lending team, DNN Community, so that we can work together to expand opportunity for borrowers worldwide.
Follow this link and join!