Once again it's time to consider the very best DotNetNuke sites for 2012! We've just opened up the DotNetNuke Site of the Year contest on our Facebook page and we're ready to accept your entries! This year we'll be considering three categories: Business, Personal and Non-Profit. Entry is simple, on Facebook you'll just submit a nice, clean screenshot of your DotNetNuke website (500px wide by up to 800px high), include a brief 2-3 sentence description of the site, the URL and some basic contact info. From there we'll make sure the entry looks nice and publish it for you on our Facebook page! All entries must be submitted by Sunday, August 19th at 5pm PST.
Once your entries are approved you'll be able to share them with friends and associates and, starting on August 20, they'll be able to vote once per day! The sites with the most votes will be considered by our panel of judges and a winner in each category will be announced at DotNetNuke World 2012!
So what's in it for the winners? Besides some serious bragging rights and the ability to use the DotNetNuke Site of the Year badge, winners will be promoted in a blog from Shaun, featured in our Community Newsletter and... will each win a Google Nexus 7 customized by DotNetNuke!
If you are a design shop or just an enthusiast this is your opportunity to show off your DotNetNuke chops! You can submit two entries, so consider the ones which make the best impression... and submit your entries today!