In in attempt to mix some xmod Pro code and some BootStrap Tabs, I'm trying to see if there is a way for me to put a HTML module on a page and have it not automatically put the divs with ModuleContent and HtmlModule_lblContent divs in the page.
<!-- Start_Module_13972 -->
<div id="dnn_ctr13972_ModuleContent" class="DNNModuleContent ModDNNHTMLC">
<div id="dnn_ctr13972_HtmlModule_lblContent" class="Normal normalCheckBox">
<!-- End_Module_13972 -->
Yes, I'm aware I can put some of that code in the header portion of the xmod template but I'm using several xmod component and it would be easier to do something like...
(Module - HTML) <starting Div>
(Module - xmod) xmod code
(Module x-mod) xmod code2
(Module - HTML) <ending /div>
I suspect the quick answer is.. no... not possible, but I figured I'd check.