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DNN Imagehandler

Back in the days when the DNN imagehandler was integrated in the core I wrote this documentation about the features. This documentation was attached to the JIRA support case but thats not a place where a developer or user will look after the options and possibilities so I decided to post it as a blog here on I'm not sure that all options are still working in the latest version but I think that not much has changed in the meantime. Hope you find it useful!

DnnImageHandler Documentation

Enabling the image handler functionality is done by an additional statement in the system.webServer/handlers section of web.config:

<add name="DnnImageHandler" 
    type="DotNetNuke.Services.GeneratedImage.DnnImageHandler, DotNetNuke"
    preCondition="integratedMode" />

The image handler could be used if you enter the following image url:

There are a few modes defined:

  • profilepic – shows the profile picture to a given userid (if allowed) or a generic “no avatar” image
  • file – shows an image by given filename with path or url
  • securefile – shows the image by a given fileid (if allowed). If no image format shows filetype icon instead
  • placeholder – shows a rectangle with image dimensions or text on it

These “modes” are generating an image. The generated image could be modified by additional parameters. Available modifications are:

  • Resize – defining the dimension of the resulting image with different resize modes, Adding borders and colored background
  • Format – define the resulting format of the generated image (jpg, png…)
  • Gamma – adjust the gamma value
  • Brightness – adjust the brightness value
  • Contrast – adjust the contrast value
  • Greyscale – convert to greyscale image
  • Invert – convert to negative image
  • Rotate + Flip – rotate and / or flip the image

No Image

The query string parameter NoImage allow the user to specify a file path of an image file that we want to be served in case the image handling cannot be done (i.e.: try to display a securefile for that I do not have access as a specific user).

If the query string NoImage is not provided a 1x1 pixel transparent image will be served by the system. The file path is limited to the following folders (and its subfolders)

  • DesktopModules
  • Portals
  • Images

Mode: Profilepic

The profilepic mode  shows the profile picture to a given userid (if allowed) or a generic “no avatar” image. The functionality is the same as the old profilepic.ashx handler.  


Name Meaning
userid ID of user whose profile image should be shown. If omitted, the profile pic of the current user is generated. If no user is logged in or the profile pic is not allowed to show, a generic avatar image is generated
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;w=120" />
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;w=120" />

Mode: File

The file mode shows an image by given filename with path or url or filepath and index (alphabetical order)


Name Meaning
file Relative path to the file incl. filename, eg: /Portals/0/images/myimage.gif

Note: for security reason the file path provided in the query string is limited to the following folders (and its subfolders):

  • DesktopModules
  • Portals
  • Images


Name Meaning
url Url to image (url-encoded), eg:
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=file&amp;file=Portals/0/Images/icon-qa.png&amp;size=xs" />
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=file&amp;" />

Mode: Securefile

The securefile mode shows the image by a given fileid (if allowed). If no image format shows filetype icon instead


Name Meaning

Shows the image with the given fileid if the logged user has the view permission for this file. If the file is no image file, an icon is generated instead (from file _icons/Sigma/ext%EXTENSION%32x32_standard.png)

<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=securefile&amp;fileid=100" /> (skin.css)
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=securefile&amp;fileid=101" /> (1-icn.png)

Mode: Placeholder

The placeholder mode shows a rectangle with image dimensions or text on it


Name Meaning
w Width in pixel
h Height in pixel
color Foreground color
backcolor Background color
text Text to display on image. If omitted, dimensions are shown
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=placeholder&amp;w=150&amp;h=100&amp;text=plugin-modul" />
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=placeholder&amp;w=150&amp;h=100&amp;color=yellow&amp;backcolor=green" />

Additional Mode Extensions

The modes are extensible! If a developer writes a dll containing a class (for example: PercentTransform) derived from


with a public property named “value” where he creates a percentage circle like this:


and copy this dll to the DNN bin folder and also adds an entry to the AppSettings section of web.config like this:

<add key="DnnImageHandler.Percent" value="MyNamespace.PercentTransform, NameOfMyDll" />

(s)he is able to invoke the imagehandler with an URL syntax like this:

My github project BBImageHandler-8 includes a bunch of these extensions (e.g. Barcodes, Images from Database etc.), so if you are interested in creating your own imagehandler extension this would be a good starting point to look at!


Defining the dimension of the resulting image with different resize modes, Adding borders and colored background.


Name Meaning
w Width of Image
h Height of Image
size Predefined size of image: xxs: 16x16, xs:32x32, s:50x50, l:64x64, xl:128x128, xxl:256x256
maxwidth Instead of Width this can be used to leave the picture as it is until the width reaches the max value.
maxheight Instead of Height this can be used to leave the picture as it is until the height reaches the max value.
  • fit mode maintains the aspect ratio of the original image while ensuring that the dimensions of the result do not exceed the maximum values for the resize transformation. (Needs width or height parameter)
  • fitsquare resizes the image with the given width as its longest side (depending on image direction) and maintains the aspect ratio. The image will be centered in a square area of the chosen background color (Needs width parameter, backcolor optional)
  • crop resizes the image and removes parts of it to ensure that the dimensions of the result are exactly as specified by the transformation.(Needs width and height parameter)
  • fill resizes the image with the given width or height without maintaing the aspect ratio.

color of background or/and  border when resizemode is fitsquare or fit


border width in pixels around the image (added to width / height) when resizemode is fitsquare or fit.

<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;size=xl&amp;backcolor=%23F58719&amp;border=10" />
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=file&amp;file=Portals/0/Images/icon-qa.png&amp;h=128&amp;w=40&amp;resizemode=fill" />


Adjusting the gamma value


Name Meaning
gamma Value for gamma adjustment between 0.2 and 5
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;size=xl&amp;gamma=4"/>


Adjusting the brightness value


Name Meaning
brightness Value for brightness adjustment between -255 and +255
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;size=xl&amp;brightness=128" />

Filter: Contrast

Adjusting the contrast value


Name Meaning
contrast Value for contrast adjustment between -100 and +100
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;size=xl&amp;contrast=75" />

Filter: Greyscale

Convert image to greyscale


Name Meaning
greyscale If present, image is converted to greyscale (needs dummy value, e.g “1”)
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;size=xl&amp;greyscale=1" >

Filter: Invert

Converts an image to its negative representation


Name Meaning
invert If present, image is inverted (needs dummy value, e.g “1”)
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;size=xl&amp;invert=1" />

Filter: Rotateflip

Rotates and / or flips the image


Name Meaning

RotateNoneFlipNone: Specifies no clockwise rotation and no flipping.
Rotate90FlipNone: Specifies a 90-degree clockwise rotation without flipping.
Rotate180FlipNone: Specifies a 180-degree clockwise rotation without flipping.
Rotate270FlipNone: Specifies a 270-degree clockwise rotation without flipping.
RotateNoneFlipX: Specifies no clockwise rotation followed by a horizontal flip.
Rotate90FlipX: Specifies a 90-degree clockwise rotation followed by a horizontal flip.
Rotate180FlipX: Specifies a 180-degree clockwise rotation followed by a horizontal flip.
Rotate270FlipX: Specifies a 270-degree clockwise rotation followed by a horizontal flip.
RotateNoneFlipY: Specifies no clockwise rotation followed by a vertical flip.
Rotate90FlipY: Specifies a 90-degree clockwise rotation followed by a vertical flip.
Rotate180FlipY: Specifies a 180-degree clockwise rotation followed by a vertical flip.
Rotate270FlipY: Specifies a 270-degree clockwise rotation followed by a vertical flip.
RotateNoneFlipXY: Specifies no clockwise rotation followed by a horizontal and vertical flip.
Rotate90FlipXY: Specifies a 90-degree clockwise rotation followed by a horizontal and vertical flip.
Rotate180FlipXY: Specifies a 180-degree clockwise rotation followed by a horizontal and vertical flip.
Rotate270FlipXY: Specifies a 270-degree clockwise rotation followed by a horizontal and vertical flip.

<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;size=xl&amp;rotateflip=Rotate90FlipY" />
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;size=xl&amp;rotateflip=RotateNoneFlipY" />
<img src="/dnnimagehandler.ashx?mode=profilepic&amp;userid=2&amp;size=xl&amp;rotateflip=RotateNoneFlipX" />


There are a few options for the imagehandler that could be set up via configuration in web.config. You could set your options in appSettings-section:

<add key="DnnImageHandler" value="EnableIpCount=false;AllowStandalone=false;LogSecurity=true;,;EnableServerCache=true;EnableClientCache=true;" />

The following options are available :

Name Meaning

Default: true. If true, every generation of an image will be counted. If IPCountMax is hit no more images are generated until IPCountPurgeInterval is up. Physically there is a file in _App_Data/ipcount for every IP containing the number of hits. When IPCountPurgeInterval is over, this file is deleted.


Default: 50. Max number of hits from an IP allowed in defined time span IPCountPurgeInterval


Default: 300. Seconds for measuring the hits from one IP.


Default: true. Enables the server side caching of images in folder _App_Data/images


Default: 180. Seconds until the image is deleted from image cache folder and generated again.


Default: true. Enables the client side caching of images (answering with 304 http response until ClientCacheExpiration is reached)


Default: 600. Seconds caching the image on client site.


Default: false. If true, Images could be shown standalone via image url. If false, only images integrated in a web page (referrer is not null) are shown, others return 403 (forbidden) http status code.


Default: false. If true, hitting IPCountMax or AllowStandalone bounderies produce an eventlog entry


Default: empty string. By default, all websites are allowed as referrer. Include here a comma-separated list of domains to restrict the embedding of your images to pages from these domains (e.g., )


Default: 95. Set the image generation quality. Range is from 0 to 100.


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