I would like to start regular meetings for everyone interested in discussing the development and modernization of the old Dnn core modules.
If you are interested in joining this first meeting, please select all available time slots you have at http://whenisgood.net/dnncore1 you can click and drag to select a time frame or even click on the date to select all day. I will then select the date and time where we can get the most people available for our first meeting. Important: Enter your email in the comments field on that selector so I can get back to you when a date and time is decided. A date and time has been decided, it will be 3PM EDT (19:00 GMT) on july 5th. Everyone is welcom, just click this link a bit before the meeting to make sure your audio settings are correct: https://zoom.us/j/416853470
The current agenda for that meeting is as follows, I think these are the subjects we need to start before anything else, then we can add discussions on next meetings, but if you feel there are other subjects we need to resolve in this first meeting, feel free to comment and I will add that to this agenda.:
Core Modules Developers Group
Meeting Agenda
Date: July 5th 2018
Time: 3PM EDT (19:00 GMT)
Meeting Facilitator: Daniel Valadas
Participants: Daniel Valadas, Joe Craig, David Poindexter, Michael Onizuka, Peter Donker, Ernst Peter Tamminga, others welcome
1. Call to order
2. Roll call
3. Review and adoption of agenda
4. Approval of minutes from last meeting
5. Open Forum
6. Unfinished business
7. New business
7.1. Legal
7.1.1. Naming
How should we name the modules that where formerly provided with Dnn: core, community, forge, something else? We need a way to differentiate them from the other free modules that never where bundled with Dnn installation.
7.1.2. Copyright on the modules
Some modules have copyrights from the maintainer instead of Dnn, should something be done with this situation?
7.1.3. Do we have a license template we should use?
7.1.4. Contributor license agreement
We may not need to have one, but can we confirm this with legal.
7.2. Maintainers
Are there specific active maintainers on some modules, do we just move on and work all together on all modules at once?
7.3. Merge/Release process
We should agree on an approval process for merging pull request and publishing releases.
7.4. Help needed
7.4.1. Active Directory Authentication provider
Can someone take charge of this or help out in testing or setting up a testing environment
7.4.2. Forums / ActiveForums Is someone aware of the current location of the old migration script from Forums to Active Forums? Is ActiveForums considered a community module, how was this acquisition done, do we want to bring that under the dnncommunity organization?
8. Addendum
9. Adjournment
And here is the meeting recording: