Have you visited the DNNSoftware.com Community Showcase page lately? One thing that is important to the DNN Community is showing off DNN’s flexibility in design, functionality, and use cases. This became obvious as we received a lot of feedback about this page in recent weeks. The good news is, thanks to the assistance of Chad Weiss, we’ve updated the page and we’re ready to showcase what DNN can do to the world with a fresh set of DNN sites.
We reviewed the sites that had been in on the showcase page and the sites that had been submitted that were awaiting review. As we went through submissions I was intrigued by some of the good looking sites out there running on DNN! There were several that caught my eye as looking really sharp. I’m sure that you have some really awesome DNN sites too… we want you to submit your DNN sites to us.
How to Get Your Site Listed in the DNN Community Showcase
The obvious question designers, developers, admins, etc. want to know is how to get your site(s) listed in the Community Showcase page. The process is pretty simple and straightforward.
Go to the Community Showcase page and click the “Submit Your Site” button. Then simply complete the form with relevant info about your site and click Submit. Upon clicking submit your site will be in the queue for review.
In case you’re wondering about the criteria for sites listed in the Community Showcase here’s what we’re looking:
- Site must be running on DNN
- Site must be mobile friendly
- Site must be pleasing to the eye (think creative, modern design)
Submit Your Site to the Community Showcase
Now that you know the page has been updated and is actively being monitored the only thing left to do is to share your DNN sites with us. As a community we can collectively show off what DNN can do by submitting our best sites to the showcase. Imagine someone coming to the DNN site for the first time and taking a look at this page to see how people are using DNN… we want them to leave impressed with the capabilities of DNN so help us leave a lasting impression by sharing your best DNN sites with the community.
And finally, we’re open to your feedback, if you have suggestions for this page just send them on to Community@DNNSoftware.com