As you are most likely aware,DNN Corp was recently acquired by ESW Capital. As part of the transition DNNCorp has new leadership in place. One of the recent aspects of change was the re-starting of the DNN Newsletter, now named the DNN Digest.
There has also been more recent change that we want to ensure you know about. Last week you may have seen this tweet
Two Twitter Handles Are Now One
If you’ve been in the DNN Community then you know that there’s previously been a separation between DNN Corp’s (@DNNCorp) Twitter account and the DNN Community Twitter account (@DNN).
That separation is no more.
Details of the merge:
- @DNNCorp has been renamed @DNN
- @DNN has been renamed @DNNCorp and is being sunsetted, but maintained
If you were previously following @DNN, but not @DNNCorp then you may want to check again to ensure you are following the new account for @DNN.
You may be reading this wondering why this change was made. DNN is an ecosystem that consists of several entities such as the Community, MVPs, Partners, ISVs, DNN Corp., and more. Since all groups make one ecosystem we feel our Twitter presence should reflect and represent exactly that: one ecosystem, a large community around an open source solution.
One DNN, One Ecosystem, one Twitter.
Moving forward you’ll see a balanced mix of posts coming from @DNN. Followers will get updates related to all aspects of the community and ecosystem. User Group meetings, Webinars, Conference Updates, New OSS Extension Announcements, and more will all stem from @DNN.
External Signs of Internal Change
As you can see with the newsletter getting started again and the merging of Twitter handles, the trend of positive change continues. We hope to continue bringing positive change to everyone in the ecosystem.
While the newsletter and Twitter updates are changes that have been made relatively quickly, other changes will take more time. These changes reflect our commitment to the community and ecosystem. Please be patient as some of the changes you’ll see in the future require more time for planning and execution.
With that said, be sure to follow us @DNN!