Here's a little Christmas present from 2sic to the DNN community: we just pimped ADAM, the Automatic Digital Asset Manager.
So basically ADAM is the fully Automatic Digital Asset Manager and it helps in many ways to save time adding and managing assets (or resources) for online content. It's core function is to "just let users add stuff" and take care of where it's stored, how it's linked and more.
So far the UI functionality was simply to allow drag-and-drop upload (or browse-upload) while just taking care of everything else. Now for Christmas, we added a super-simple file manager with which you can also select files which had been added previously. This lets the user revert back to a previous file, delete a previous file or try around with different files without having to upload them again and again.
So here is what you'll see
ADAM in default mode

Adam in browse-mode without any uploaded assets

ADAM with one file (the most common case)

ADAM while dropping files on it

ADAM with a few files
Note that clicking on any file will automatically select it for this field.

ADAM uploading loads of files

ADAM with lots of files to select

What's next?
Of course the developer inside you will start asking
- "What about folders? Could we make a library of assets like gallery with this?"And yes, you could, but the API and UIs are still hidden because just adding features will confuse the user. The user shouldn't feel like he's adding folders to a hyperlink-field, that's just wrong. So yes, this will come in due time, but it will be optimized to that use case, and we haven't had time to do that yet :).
- "What about the WYSIWYG? Could we use it there too?"And yes, you could, but first we have to get rid of Server-Side-Dependent WYSIWYG editors like Telerik and CKEditor. This will still take some time so it won't happen quickly unless we get a sponsor :)
Merry Christmas from Switzerland,