Creativity is key in the web development field. Sometimes there is not an out-of-the-box module that does everything you need it to, or does it well, or you are tired of having too many 3rd party modules that give you headaches when you upgrade. This is were ingenuity comes into play.
In this session, we went over clever uses for the "Ventrian News Module" and the "Form & List Module" to give your clients an easy-to-use interface for inputting content for complex designs.
The Session:
To start things out we went over some basic reasons for using modules for complex designs — it allows clients to input content that's guaranteed stay inline with your sites aesthetics. No more having the client attempt to write code. Everything is broken out into simple fields.
Ventrian News Module
In our first example, we went over how to setup Ventrian with custom fields and tokens. From there we built out a sleek portfolio listing.
Form & List Module
Next we went over some uses for the Form & List module and walked through the steps of building a custom rotating banner and applying a javascript plugin to the module to make it function.
If you'd like to learn more or see a pdf of the presentation, you can download it here.
(This post is cross-posted at DNNCON)