I'm happy to announce we have found a location for next year's DNN Connect conference! The world's most convivial DNN event is returning to France. But instead of the bustling capital, we'll gather in the countryside in the town of Millau (world famous for the highest viaduct in the world). And just like last year we'll be introduced to the local flavours and ambience during our event, so get set for some of the local food and wine. These will be hand picked by our local team, the kind folks of Nevoweb. You know, the NBStore guys (and girls). They have booked the Domaine Saint Estève for us from the 28th to the 31st of May (the event itself being on the 29th and 30th). It's a luxurious resort in the heart of one of France's most beautiful natural regions (Parc des Grand-Causses/Cevennes national park).

Given that Domaine Saint Estève has a capacity of 200 people and that we are housed in smaller "chalets", we are now encouraging you to consider bringing your family along to enjoy this beautiful region. And if you prefer to camp, there are ample campsites in the vicinity as well. This place is perfect for a mix of a cultural and adventure trip. I once brought my family here and can thoroughly recommend it. Millau is well-known in the adventure sports world for its yearly "Natural Games" festival, so you can prepare your kids for some rock climbing, tree climbing, swimming, canoeing, mountainbiking, paragliding or plain old simple hiking. Provided there is enough interest, Cathy from Nevoweb will compile a "partner's program" so no one has a chance to get bored.

Next to this potential partner's program one other change for this year will be that we're doing the event on Friday and Saturday, rather than Saturday and Sunday. The reason being that many of us have to be back home by Sunday evening and this left previous events somewhat deserted from Sunday lunchtime onward. With this new approach you can leave Sunday at lunchtime and not miss anything. Other than these two changes we intend to stick to our proven formula of an informal gathering of DNN enthusiasts in a rural setting.
As you'll see we've added a small overview of airports you can fly in to and how to get to Millau from there. There is no local airport so you'll need to travel after landing. Also, Millau is not on a TGV route, so the train is just a regular old train and not one of those zippy fast French TGVs. So for most of you the car will be the best option. Like last year we encourage you to use our forums to find others to carpool with.

Over the coming months we will begin preparations for this event like organizing a gripping program, finding sponsors and making sure you have wifi and that we can do all this for a price roughly similar to what it has been over the last few years. But you can help, too. Please take a moment to sign up here and fill in the questions we have so we can better target our audience. That would really help us. Signing up does not obligate you in any way, of course. But we hope you will be able to show up.
The DNN Connect 2015 Team
Cross posted from here