First of all, if you haven’t already heard, there was a contest. The annual DotNetNuke SUPER Fan contest. There was voting. There were shenanigans. There was all kinds of friendly competition. And in the end, there was a winner. That winner was awarded at DNN World 2012 in Orlando, Florida. Not only was the contest a bunch of fun as usual, but the awards ceremony continues to be a blast since it’s held at the most prestigious and informative event about open source CMS in the world…
Like last year, we awarded the top 3 finalists in the contest. I kept my eye on the voting daily. (You kind of have to do that to make sure that the shenanigans don’t go unchecked.) The number one leader changed a few different times. It wasn’t until the final days of the contest that we knew what was going to happen. In fact, in preparation for the awards ceremony, I was still checking the voting just to be sure that I didn’t need to make any final changes the day before. There’s nothing like this kind of excitement!
Thank You!
Before I announce the winners, I must take a moment to thank all of the people that took the time to submit entries. They were all fantastic. It’s really great to see you all participate in the contest. This years entrants included Cara Pluff, Clint Patterson, Joe Brinkman, James Wallace, Peter Donker, and Ryan Morgan.
I also want to quickly thank the people that took the time to vote. Even though it was a very quick and easy thing to do, it is also a very easy thing to forget to do. Your participation is a key ingredient to the success of the contest and choosing the winner.
Finally, I have to thank DNN Corp. I absolutely loved running the contest, but every contest needs to award the winner. Without the backing of my favorite employer, this contest would have not been nearly as cool as it was.
And the winners are…
Third Place: Ryan Morgan

Even though you might not have heard his name before, Ryan Morgan has been part of the community pretty much since the beginning. He is the founder of Arrow Consulting & Design, a DotNetNuke author, speaker, and more. For his entry, he decided to embrace the super hero theme and create a comic showing part of why he loves DNN. If you’ve seen him in person, you might question his physique in the comic though. Just saying… Hahaha!
I was once told that second place is the first loser… While there are no losers in the SUPER fan contest, you can see that Ryan clearly feels that way here. :D

Second Place: Cara Pluff

If you ask Cara, she doesn’t like to be in the spotlight. I don’t believe her, but it shows when you look at the visible areas of community involvement. While she hasn’t been in the community nearly as long as Ryan, she is part of Applied Innovations, who hosts too many DNN websites for me to count. She is a networking machine at all of the events I’ve seen her at, so her fandom is very much an in-person thing that you’d have to see. Her entry takes a very popular internet meme of creating a music video based upon a pop song, and apply other people to it. In this case, she involves some prominent community members, DNN Corp founders, as well as DNN Corp employees.
Cara was much more gracious in her winning photo…

2012 DotNetNuke SUPER Fan Winner: Clint Patterson

I must say that I was really rooting for Clint to win this year. I was a huge fan of his entry last year and voted for him daily. If you have your ears or eyes open to any part of the community, you will undoubtedly see or hear his name, if not see him in-person. Clint does so many different things for the community. His entry this year goes a long way to basically serve as a DotNetNuke SUPER Fan Contest resume. If only the DNN MVP winners were announced sooner, his video would have one more thing to have in it. I am so proud and honored to be able to let you all know that Clint Patterson is this years winner of the DotNetNuke SUPER Fan contest. This is a well-deserved win!
Clint certainly deserves his title of DotNetNuke SUPER Fan this year. You can see that he definitely is happy about it too!

Once again, I want to publicly thank everyone that was involved in this contest. Some of the people behind the scenes that helped make this possible include Quoc Ngo, Richard Dumas, Chris Hammond, Joe Brinkman, Scott Willhite, and Stephanie Tejada. They all had a direct impact on the coolness of the prizes, getting them made, and promoting the contest.
Start getting your ideas cooking now for next year. I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with next time!
This blog entry is cross-posted from my personal blog site.