There are 53 days left to go for DNN's Event of the Year.
What is DNNWorld 2012 going to be about?
Here is my perspective:
The world continues to change. And in the online world ... the change is unbelievably transformative as never before. How so?
“My niece thinks I am un-cool because I am not ‘super’ active on Facebook”:
The online world is in the throes of enormous transformation. The world has moved from a publishing centric model to an engagement centric model. The year 2000 was about 1-way publishing of information via single channel (URLs). Today, while publishing information online and making that information accessible to the 2.0B+ people on the Internet is important; it is also about building relationships and mind-space with the 20000 visitors (both prospects and customers) who come to your web site. Today … Customers are supported differently … Prospects are nurtured differently. The way companies communicate and engage with the market effectively had undergone a dramatic shift.
“My daughter thinks I am ‘so yesterday’ because I still check email”:
The kids coming out of school today communicate and engage differently. They also like to collaborate differently. There was a time before email when business folks sent memos to each other. E-mail changed everything and has been the big productivity boost for more than a decade. However, e-mail today is what memos were 15 years ago. Organizations are re-tooling their internal web infrastructures; they are adding new social tools; they are sharing information with each other on devices of all form-factors … All this is improving both productivity and creativity inside organizations.
“If you can’t give it to me yesterday, I don’t want it”:
Functionality is important, but convenience is everything. We live in an instant-on world. People have less time. People have even less patience. They expect software to work the way it is supposed to work. They want to be up and running at the flick of a switch. Hosting Providers and Data Centers have improved both the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations this last decade. However, new-age cloud infrastructure such as Azure and AWS are taking this to a completely different level with instant-on convenience, with improved reliability, and almost un-heard of infrastructure elasticity.
We live in a new era --- an era that is very challenging simply because of the enormity of transformative change all around us. At the same time, this is also an era of un-matched opportunity for increasing productivity through process efficiencies, and enhanced creativity via new methods of communication and collaboration.
We are at the fore-front of some of these industry mega-trends. At this conference, you will learn:
- Our perspective on what is happening all around us, and our vision for the future.
- Our perspective and plans for a ‘social’ solution.
- Our plans for providing you with ‘instant-on’ convenience … The cloud.
- Multiple sessions on how DotNetNuke has become a ‘social platform’ … 6.2 dissected.
- From Microsoft’s Scott Hunter you will learn how you could leverage the advances in web technologies coming to market this year.
- How DNN 7.0 will integrate the latest web platform technologies from Microsoft and enable a new model of modern, client-side web development.
If you are a consumer of our product in some way shape or form (developer, content editor, web administrator, director of marketing, director of IT) ... I believe this conference will be well worth your time and energy. Look forward to seeing you there.