For those of you that might be new to the DotNetNuke community, we had the first ever DotNetNuke SUPER Fan contest last year. This contest allowed people that consider themselves to be true fans of DNN to display it in some way, and the community voted on them all until a winner was found. Last year, we announced the first official SUPER Fan at DNN World, and the same thing will happen this year.
Last year, we had a community choice voting, awesome prizes, and more. This year we are not only doing that, but we are kicking things up a notch! This announcement isn’t to disclose all of the coolness that is coming though. That’s coming later. This announcement is simply here to get your creative juices flowing now. We will call for submissions soon, so get to work… We all can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeves this year.
This is your chance to win sweet prizes and earn bragging rights for the next year, and instant DNN fame forever!
In the meantime, I thought I would point you to some of last years entries that I enjoyed to help give you some ideas.
Aaron Lopez: Sleepchalking
Ralph Williams: I’m DotNetNuke
Clint Patterson: The Future of DotNetNuke Starts Here
And now for last year’s winner and history’s first ever DotNetNuke SUPER Fan…
Jonathan Sheely: The Super Fan List
This blog entry is cross-posted from my personal blog site.