Changes for version 03.01.06
1. Fixed bug: CSS classes for headers, items was incorrect.
The header and item css classes was (wrongly) based on original visiblity/order of columns, rather than user settings), so that the wrong css class would be
set (i.e. "SizeCell" instead of "OwnerCell", if the order was changed).
2. Updated source package so it installs as a "normal" PA.
The source package contained the "extra" source code files on top of the regular PA. Changed so the source package contained all files, and installs as a
regular PA.
3. Added "ForceDownload" parameter to LinkClick call for the "Download" link, so that when "Download" is clicked, the "Open/Save" dialog is displayed.
4. Altered options page so that LocalizeDataGrid is not called on Postback, previous code was displaying missing resource messages on non-English sites after postback.
Note: The new version works with DNN 3.3.x / 4.3.x Versions prior to DNN 3.3 are not supported.