WROX have released a new Book DotNetNuke Websites, written by Tracy Wittenkeller , CEO of the DotNetNuke skining and module development company T-Worx. . I’m one of the lucky persons, who already got this book to read first.
With its subject "DotNetNuke Websites Problem, Design, Solution " this book is targeting to beginners, advanced users and admins , teaching how to optimize usage of DotNetNuke. Besides detailed instructions for installing DotNetNuke, modules and skins, this book focuses on the design of DotNetNuke web sites. Useng the example of a fictuous company website it presents how to create and design a new portal.
There is a focus on HTML skins, containers and customizing the design of module content, showing you, how to build a successful new website powered by DotNetNuke. As a conclusion, this book is a very good introduction and reference, if you like to start with DotNetNuke Web Sites and Skinning.
Personally , I like the structure, starting with Installation of DotNetNuke under different scenarios, but also the in-depth explanation of core functions. Although since DotNetNuke 4.6.2 you don't need to edit manually web.config file for updates any longer, I am miss ing a detailed explanation of this configuration file. Especially for administrators and system attendants , this important file is essention and often leads into serious issues, which are difficut to discover. As an administrator, I was very positively surprised of the detailed guidances concerning administration and use of DotNetNuke. All options for creating pages and adding modules are explained in detail. The instructions, how to use Photoshop for creating Skins and containers have been of great use for me. With its detailed chapters about designing skins and containers as well as the use of CSS , this book addresses designers in particular. But with in-depth explanation of editing pages and modules, it is also very suitable for administrators and authors.
The book is forwarded by Shaun Walker and has 337 pages with numerous illustrations