I've just recently discovered a bug in 3.2.2 code that will cause the correct resource language files for the active user to not load on some scenarios.
Basically: the problem is when the portal default languge is not the same as the fallback language, user language resources will not be loaded. The code with that problem has been around since long ago, but due to the way we handled language detection in 3.1.x this was not discovered. Since 3.2 we have a much more reliable language detection algorithm and this caused this problem to emerge.
The solution is quite simple:
- open file \Components\Localization\Localization.vb
- in GetResource method replace following code on line 218:
If defaultLanguage <> "" AndAlso defaultLanguage <> fallbackLanguage Then
If defaultLanguage <> "" AndAlso defaultLanguage <> fallbackLanguage AndAlso userLanguage <> fallbackLanguage Then
- save and recompile and the problem should be corrected.