A few weeks ago I attended the CMS Expo in Chicago, Illinois. This conference was focused on CMS applications for business users and included representation from the majority of the most widely deployed open source content management systems. To kick off the conference, I was privileged to be included in a panel discussion hosted by John Coonen ( founder of CMS Expo ) and Tony White ( founder of Ars Logica, a vendor-neutral CMS analyst firm ).
The discussion panel included founders from five open source CMS products and provided the opportunity for each to showcase their unique benefits to conference attendees. I shared the conference stage with Dries Buytaert from Drupal, Andrew Eddie from Joomla!, Sigurd Magnusson from SilverStripe, and Per Ploug-Hansen from Umbraco. With such an esteemed group of open source project leaders, it made for a very interesting and entertaining panel discussion.
The folks from SilverStripe were kind enough to record the session and post the video to Vimeo. The sound quality for some of the panelists is a little poor but I think the video still provides some interesting insights into the culture, perspective, and vision of the various open source projects. I would encourage you to listen to the entire recording, but if you only have limited time and are primarily interested in the DotNetNuke excerpts, you can skip to the following minute markers: 8:00, 21:00, 34:00, & 43:00.