If you are a DNN Administrator who uses the Rich Text Editor DNN to manage large bodies of content, you probably find yourself scrolling up and down endlessly so you can read and edit the content. You may even find yourself going into overdrive when you have large images in the RTE as you will need to keep scrolling the image out of the toolbar in order to use the tools.
This useability issue can easily be overcome using the FCK Editor. The FCK Editor toolbars includes a Maximize Editor button. Clicking on this button will maximize the FCK Editor to the full size of your browser. The toolbars still be available, but all the other parts of the module will be hidden. To minimize the editor again, simply re-click the button.
Another option available to Administrators is the ability to set the size of the FCK Editor window. If you are using the default RTE your DNN developer can do this for you. However if you are a non-developer like me, you will feel like a champion being able to do something all by yourself without hassling your dev team!
To change the editor size, check the 'Show custom Editor options for this instance' check box below the editor and edit the Force Editor Height and Force Editor Width fields listed under Other Editor Options. There are a whole range of other useful tools here which I'm getting familiar with at the moment and will report back on soon.