Last year, we released the first version of our SharePoint connector. In the initial release we decided to start with SharePoint 2007 since at the time it was the most widely used version of SharePoint, but things have changed now. SharePoint 2010 introduced important enhancements and new features that organizations have found valuable and the market is slowly transitioning from SharePoint 2007 to 2010.
For DotNetNuke this meant that we had an opportunity to empower new users and our current ones that have decided to upgrade to SharePoint 2010 with a new version of our connector.
Today, I am pleased to announce that we have a new version of our SharePoint connector 2007 and a first version of our connector for SharePoint 2010. Here is a small list of the updates that are available in the new version.
· SharePoint farm administrators are now able to control the number of files and folders that can be published to their DotNetNuke website
· The SharePoint connector can now save the history of each synchronization item so SharePoint users can see with precision when they files were published, updated or deleted on their website
· SharePoint site collection administrators can now disable synchronization items which gives them more granular control of their information
If you’re a SharePoint and a DotNetNuke user and want to request a trial version please contact our sales team at