At DotNetNuke we distribute many different packages each release including source packages for the Community and our Professional and Enterprise customers. Internally we have an overarching solution file that contains all of the projects that we work on each day, this solution file also contains all of the unit tests. When we distribute the source packages we distribute solution files with and without the unit tests as well as a VS2008 formatted sln file and a bunch of variations for Pro and Enterprise customers, that's actually 15 different solution files. Once the packages are created there is also an automated build that actually compiles each of these packages to ensure we have all the right projects and references set up.
Also since we are distributing these solutions to users who do not have access to our TFS setup the TFS bindings are also removed.
All of these various sln files are created from the one solution file so that all of the internal developers only ever have to deal with one sln file.
Ok that sets the scene. The problem is then how to remove the various projects from the solution file such that it will open in Visual Studio and also be buildable from CCNet. Simply removing the text that defines the project is not sufficient because that leaves the Nested Projects section in a mess. Even though Visual Studio can open the file MSBuild dies a horrible death thus making it impossible to do automated compiles.
The custom task i wrote below process the sln files in such a way that both VS and MSBuild can parse the file and do what they need to do.
To use the task you add the following to your MSBuild file
ProjectNames="@(AllSolutionsProjects); @(EEProjects); @(PEProjects);
@(EETestProjects); DotNetNuke.Professional.HtmlPro"
You specify the lists of projects to remove in ProjectNames and you can also do simple text replacements where you specify the test to replace and the the replacement text lie so:
<CEReplacements Include="DotNetNuke_Enterprise" />
<CEReplacements Include="DotNetNuke_Community" />
We use this to manage the website name.
The code for the Task is below. enjoy.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
namespace DotNetNuke.MSBuild.Tasks
using System.IO;
public class GenerateSolutionFiles : Task
public string OriginalFile { get; set; }
public string CreatedFile { get; set; }
public string[] ProjectNames { get; set; }
public string[] Replacements { get; set; }
public bool RemoveTfsBindings { get; set; }
public override bool Execute()
if (ProjectNames == null)
return true;
var tr = new StreamReader(OriginalFile, true);
var fileEncoding = tr.CurrentEncoding;
var content = tr.ReadToEnd();
var globalIndex = content.IndexOf("Global");
var globalSection = content.Substring(globalIndex, content.Length - globalIndex);
var globalSections = globalSection.Split(new string[] { "GlobalSection(" },
var projectsSection = content.Substring(0, globalIndex);
projectsSection = projectsSection.Remove(0, projectsSection.IndexOf("Project("));
var projects = projectsSection.Split(new string[] { "Project(" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
var nestedProjectsSection = string.Empty;
if (RemoveTfsBindings)
//Remove the TFS section.
content = globalSections.Where(glb => glb.Contains("TeamFoundationVersionControl")).
Aggregate(content, (current, glb) => current.Replace(string.Concat("GlobalSection(", glb), string.Empty));
content = content.Replace("SAK", string.Empty);
foreach (var glb in globalSections.Where(glb => glb.Contains("NestedProjects")))
nestedProjectsSection = string.Concat("GlobalSection(", glb);
var nestedProjects = nestedProjectsSection.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n', '\t', '\t' },
foreach (var projectName in ProjectNames)
foreach (var project in projects)
if (project.Contains("ProjectSection")) continue;
var projectEntry = project.Replace("EndProject", string.Empty).Replace("\"", string.Empty).
Replace(" ", string.Empty).Replace("\r", string.Empty).Replace("\n", string.Empty);
var indexFirstEquals = projectEntry.IndexOf("=") + 1;
projectEntry = projectEntry.Remove(0, indexFirstEquals);
var projectNameGuid = projectEntry.Split(',');
if (projectNameGuid[0] == projectName)
content = content.Replace(string.Concat("Project(", project), string.Empty);
var nestedProject = nestedProjects.FirstOrDefault(l => l.StartsWith(projectNameGuid[2]));
if (nestedProject != default(string))
nestedProjects.RemoveAll(l => l.StartsWith(projectNameGuid[2]));
var filteredNestedProjects = string.Concat(string.Join("\r\n\t\t", nestedProjects.
ToArray()), "\r\n\t").Replace("\tEndGlobalSection", "EndGlobalSection");
content = content.Replace(nestedProjectsSection,filteredNestedProjects);
if (Replacements != null)
for (var index = 0; index <= Replacements.Length - 1; index = index + 2)
content = content.Replace(Replacements[index], Replacements[index + 1]);
if (CreatedFile.Contains("_VS2008"))
//Convert a copy to VS2008
content = content.Replace("# Visual Studio 2010", "# Visual Studio 2008");
content = content.Replace("Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00",
"Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 10.00");
content = content.Replace("vbproj", "VS2008.vbproj").Replace("csproj", "VS2008.csproj");
var newSolutionFile = new StreamWriter(CreatedFile, false, fileEncoding);
catch (Exception ex)
var file = new StreamWriter("F:\\Builds\\log.txt");
return false;
return true;