





Event Viewer

event viewer color coding

Insights on events and exceptions happening at the server level.

Commonly used as a troubleshooting tool, the Event Viewer gives administrators a detailed look at everything happening in Evoq.

Evoq logs entries across 30+ event types. You can filter by event type and click on any entry to see further details.


makes troubleshooting easy

Facilitates Troubleshooting

The Event Viewer is an essential tool when troubleshooting performance or application issues. Each entry is timestamped, which helps you correlate site issues with particular events or exceptions.

increase conversions

Consolidated View

A consolidated view of events and exceptions across all the sites you're managing in Evoq. Select from the Website dropdown to filter entries to a particular site.

How to Use

how to administer

How to Access

Host users access the Admin menu, then select Event Viewer. From there, host users can select Website, Event Type and Records per Page. Click on Edit Log Settings to determine the events to enable in the Event Viewer.

icon for advanced

Analyzing Application Exceptions

For application exceptions, click on the event item to see an expanded view. Review fields such as StackTrace and InnerStackTrace to better understand the cause of the exception. Application exceptions are not visible to end users, but may cause performance issues on your site.

Keep tabs on what's happening at the server level.

What's your server up to? Find out via the Event Viewer. Understand events, exceptions and more. 

event viewer log settings        event detail in event viewer

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