





Recycle Bin

list of deleted users in the recycle bin

Preventing the unwanted deletion of important assets.

Have you ever accidentally deleted the wrong document on your laptop? Perhaps the recycle bin saved you. We provide a similar capability with Evoq, but with pages, modules and templates instead of documents.



quick recover from accidental deletions

Quick Recovery from Accidental Deletions

Quickly restore a page, module or template that you accidentally deleted. The restore action places the asset back to its original location.

convenient management of deleted assets

Convenient Management of Deleted Assets

For easy access, the recycle bin is organized by pages, modules and templates. All items can be permanently deleted by clicking "Empty Recycle Bin."

How to Use

deleting assets

Deleting an Asset

When you delete an asset, it's moved to the recycle bin. The recycle bin includes information on the date and time each item was deleted.

recover assets or delete them permanently

Recover Assets or Delete Them Permanently

If you deleted an item accidentally, you can access it in the recycle bin and restore it to its original location. You can permanently delete an item or perform a bulk deletion for the entire area.

Review unwanted assets before they're permanently deleted.

Accidents happen. Evoq's recycle bin ensures that you can recover from the unintended deletion of assets.

list of files in recycle bin         list of pages in recycle bin

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