Feature request: auto-resize support for the IFrame module's Width/Height.
First, I have been doing this successfully by using the trick mentioned here:
However, after upgrading to 4.3.1, it is broken.
For example, I set the IFrame Height textbox to:
600" id="myframe" name="myframe" onload="stretchIFrame('myframe','600')
And in DNN 4.3.1 (or is it due to just the module upgrade in 4.3.1?) it results in the rendered output to the page as:
height="600" id="myframe" name="myframe" onload="stretchIFrame('myframe','600')"
I still need to track down the code that's translating " to "
But back to the feature request. Even though auto-resizing is limited to a site's domain, it is still very useful. Also, a lot of people seem to ask about this capability.
At minimum, this feature could be supported by simply providing another field where we can inject attributes/code (as above) which won't be modified.
Right now, it's a true hack. And like most good hacks, it has come back to bite ;)