I have troubles getting the OLU to show something "realistic".
The "disable online users" in host setting is unchecked.
The Scheduler is running
The Purgeusers is running (1. minute, also tried 10 min and 6 hours)
I don't understand what, who and when is actually populating the UsersOnline table, I assume that the PurgeUsersOnline just cleans out users that have a now-LastActiveDate greater that the hostsetting for "Users Online Time" which in my case is 10min?
But the "LastActiveDate" and the table gets populated by SP "UpdateOnlineUser" right? What is then calling the SP for that?
When I look in the logbook for the website, I can see users loggin on (with success) but not getting listed in the online users.
I assume that UpdateAnonymousUser and the table AnonymousUser is for users which has not logged into the site?
Sorry if this is dbl. posted, it seems that myt first posting got lost somewhere in space.