I refresh my dev copy of the site weekly but this week is the first time I have had any trouble at all. This week, I also have a parent portal and from the error message I got, it might be related to that.
I followed the directions - sort of - there is no PortalsAlias field in Portals, but there is an HTMLAlias field in PortalAlias - and altered the HTMLAlias in the PortalAlias record and end up with the following:
If I try to go directly the the root of the site, in this case http://pvasdev.dnndev.me or http://pvasdev.dnndev.me/default.aspx I get
DNN Error - Domain Name Does Not Exist In The Database. I made the suggested change to PortalAlias, trying both localhost and, but no change.

If I go here: http://pvasdev.dnndev.me/Home/tabid/59/Default.aspx
The site comes up but the links are either to pvasdev.dnndev.me or to localhost/websites/pvasdev. What am I getting wrong?
Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.