In DotNetNuke, Token replacement is supported by the Text/HTML module form and list module and the newsletter module. Other modules such as IFRAME also support a subset of the tokens, and module such as
Events Core Module support tokens and add their own relevant tokens.
The available tokens are listed below (the list below comes from the settings page of the Form and List Module:
Token | Description |
[Portal:Currency] | Currency String |
[Portal:Description] | Portal Description |
[Portal:Email] | Portal Admin Email |
[Portal:FooterText] | Portal Copyright Text |
[Portal:HomeDirectory] | Portal Path (relative) of Home Directory |
[Portal:LogoFile] | Portal Path to Logo File |
[Portal:PortalName] | Portal Name |
[Portal:PortalAlias] | Portal URL |
[Portal:TimeZoneOffset] | Difference in Minutes between Portal Default Time and UTC |
| |
[User:DisplayName] | User’s Display Name |
[User:Email] | User’s Email Address |
[User:FirstName] | User’s First Name |
[User:FullName] | [deprecated] |
[User:LastName] | User’s Last Name |
[User:Username] | User’s Login User Name |
| |
[Membership:Approved] | Is User Approved? |
[Membership:CreatedOnDate] | User Signup Date |
[Membership:IsOnline] | Is User Currently Online? |
| |
[Profile:] | Use any default or custom Profile Property as listed in Profile Property Definition section of Manage User Accounts. Use non-localized Property Name only. |
| |
[Tab:Description] | Page Description Text for Search Engine |
[Tab:EndDate] | Page Display Until Date |
[Tab:FullUrl] | Page Full URL |
[Tab:IconFile] | Page Relative Path to Icon File |
[Tab:KeyWords] | Page Keywords for Search Engine |
[Tab:PageHeadText] | Page Header Text |
[Tab:StartDate] | Page Display from Date |
[Tab:TabName] | Page Name |
[Tab:TabPath] | Page Relative Path |
[Tab:Title] | Page Title (Window Title) |
[Tab:URL] | Page URL |
| |
[Module:Description] | Module Definition Description |
[Module:EndDate] | Module Display Until Date |
[Module:Footer] | Module Footer Text |
[Module:FriendlyName] | Module Definition Name |
[Module:Header] | Module Header Text |
[Module:HelpURL] | Module Help URL |
[Module:IconFile] | Module Path to Icon File |
[Module:ModuleTitle] | Module Title |
[Module:PaneName] | Module Name of Pane (where the module resides) |
[Module:StartDate] | Module Display from Date |
| |
[DateTime:Now] | Current Date and Time |
[Ticks:Now] | CPU Tick Count for Current Second |
[Ticks:Today] | CPU Tick Count since Midnight |
[Ticks:TicksPerDay] | CPU Ticks per Day (for calculations) |
| |
The following tokens are currently supported in Form and List module only: |
[Server:Name] | Server Name |
[Querystring:Name] | Value of Querystring Name |
[Form:Name] | Form Posted Value of Name |
| |
Data Type "Look-Up" to Source Column Type "Download" or "URL" also supports: |
[File:Name] | Name of File |
[File:Folder] | Folder of File |
[File:Path] | Complete Path to File |
[File:Size] | File Size in Bytes |
[File:SizeMB] | File Size in Megabytes |
[File:Clicks] | Number of Downloads |
[File:Extension] | File Extension |
| |
Data Type "Look-Up" to Type "Email", "Created by", "Changed by" or "Link to User’s Profile" also supports: |
[Gravatar:MD5Hash] | MD5 Hash of the Email Address (if available) |
[Gravatar:URL] | URL to the Gravatar Image |
[Gravatar:Image] | Gravatar Image |
For Date/Time and numeric values, you can also append a
string defined by the .NET framework, for example: [DateTime:Now|] current Date/Time formatted according to , e.g. [DateTime:Now|f] displays current date in short format (does not apply to Calculated Column expressions) or [DateTime:Now|dd.MM.yyyy] in German date format. Text items may be formatted using {0}, e.g. [User:Displayname|Hello {0}]. You can also add alternative text that gets returned if the requested value is Null or empty: [Token:Property|Format|Alternative] e.g. [User:Displayname|Welcome Back,{0}|Hello Guest].