This interface provides module developers a way to allow their modules to import and export content. Modules that support IPortable work well with Page and Portal templates.
To implement IPortable a module must provide an ExportModule implementation and ImportModule implementation. The Format of the STRINGS that are imported/exported is up to the developer, though typically developers will format them with custom XML as the Examples below show.
Example Code (VB)
'/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
'/// <summary>
'/// ExportModule implements the IPortable ExportModule Interface
'/// </summary>
'/// <param name="ModuleID">The Id of the module to be exported</param>
'/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Function ExportModule(ByVal ModuleID As Integer) As String Implements IPortable.ExportModule
Dim strXML As String = ""
Dim coldnnsimplearticles As List(Of Article) = ArticleController.GetArticles(ModuleID)
If coldnnsimplearticles.Count <> 0 Then
strXML += "<articles>"
For Each objArticle As Article In coldnnsimplearticles
strXML += "<article>"
strXML += "<title>" + Common.Utilities.XmlUtils.XMLEncode(objArticle.Title) + "</title>"
strXML += "<description>" + Common.Utilities.XmlUtils.XMLEncode(objArticle.Description) + "</description>"
strXML += "<body>" + Common.Utilities.XmlUtils.XMLEncode(objArticle.Body) + "</body>"
strXML += "</article>"
strXML += "</articles>"
End If
Return strXML
End Function
'/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
'/// <summary>
'/// ImportModule implements the IPortable ImportModule Interface
'/// </summary>
'/// <param name="ModuleID">The Id of the module to be imported</param>
'/// <param name="Content">The content to be imported</param>
'/// <param name="Version">The version of the module to be imported</param>
'/// <param name="UserId">The Id of the user performing the import</param>
'/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Public Sub ImportModule(ByVal ModuleID As Integer, ByVal Content As String, ByVal Version As String, ByVal UserID As Integer) Implements IPortable.ImportModule
Dim mc As New ModuleController()
Dim mi = mc.GetModule(ModuleID)
Dim xmldnnsimplearticles As XmlNode = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.GetContent(Content, "articles")
For Each xmldnnsimplearticle As XmlNode In xmldnnsimplearticles.SelectNodes("article")
Dim objdnnsimplearticle As New Article()
objdnnsimplearticle.ModuleId = ModuleID
objdnnsimplearticle.Title = xmldnnsimplearticle.SelectSingleNode("title").InnerText
objdnnsimplearticle.Description = xmldnnsimplearticle.SelectSingleNode("description").InnerText
objdnnsimplearticle.Body = xmldnnsimplearticle.SelectSingleNode("body").InnerText
objdnnsimplearticle.CreatedByUserId = UserID
objdnnsimplearticle.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now
objdnnsimplearticle.LastModifiedByUserId = UserID
objdnnsimplearticle.LastModifiedOnDate = DateTime.Now
End Sub
Example Code (C#)
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// ExportModule implements the IPortable ExportModule Interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="moduleId">The Id of the module to be exported</param>
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public string ExportModule(int moduleId)
string strXML = "";
List<Article> coldnnsimplearticles = ArticleController.GetArticles(moduleId);
if (coldnnsimplearticles.Count != 0)
strXML += "<articles>";
foreach (Article objArticle in coldnnsimplearticles)
strXML += "<article>";
strXML += "<title>" + Common.Utilities.XmlUtils.XMLEncode(objArticle.Title) + "</title>";
strXML += "<description>" + Common.Utilities.XmlUtils.XMLEncode(objArticle.Description) + "</description>";
strXML += "<body>" + Common.Utilities.XmlUtils.XMLEncode(objArticle.Body) + "</body>";
strXML += "</article>";
strXML += "</articles>";
return strXML;
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// ImportModule implements the IPortable ImportModule Interface
/// </summary>
/// <param name="moduleId">The Id of the module to be imported</param>
/// <param name="content">The content to be imported</param>
/// <param name="version">The version of the module to be imported</param>
/// <param name="UserId">The Id of the user performing the import</param>
/// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void ImportModule(int moduleId, string content, string version, int userId)
ModuleController mc = new ModuleController();
var mi = mc.GetModule(moduleId);
XmlNode xmldnnsimplearticles = DotNetNuke.Common.Globals.GetContent(content, "articles");
foreach (XmlNode xmldnnsimplearticle in xmldnnsimplearticles.SelectNodes("article"))
Article objdnnsimplearticle = new Article();
objdnnsimplearticle.ModuleId = moduleId;
objdnnsimplearticle.Title = xmldnnsimplearticle.SelectSingleNode("title").InnerText;
objdnnsimplearticle.Description = xmldnnsimplearticle.SelectSingleNode("description").InnerText;
objdnnsimplearticle.Body = xmldnnsimplearticle.SelectSingleNode("body").InnerText;
objdnnsimplearticle.CreatedByUserId = userId;
objdnnsimplearticle.CreatedOnDate = DateTime.Now;
objdnnsimplearticle.LastModifiedByUserId = userId;
objdnnsimplearticle.LastModifiedOnDate = DateTime.Now;
Example Code Source
The above sample code can be found on the following Codeplex project