[event:title] | Event title and the sub calendar modulename when defined in settings |
[event:eventimage]§ | Image when one is associated with the event |
[event:imageurl]§ | URL of the event image when one is associated with the event |
[event:startdatelabel] | Label defined for start date in the resource file |
[event:startdate|format] | Start date formatted (optional) by the format string * |
[event:enddatelabel] | Label defined for end date in the resource file |
[event:enddate|format] | End date formatted (optional) by the format string * |
[event:timezone] | Timezone description |
[event:importancelabel]§ | Label defined for importance in the resource file |
[event:importance]§ | Importance with icon (for low and high importance) |
[event:importanceicon]§ | Importance Icon |
[event:descriptionlabel] | Label defined for description in the resource file |
[event:description|length] | Description defined in the event, optionally shortened to specified length |
[event:categorylabel] | Label defined for category in the resource file |
[event:category] | Category associated with the event |
[event:locationlabel] | Label defined for location in the resource file |
[event:location] | Location associated with the event |
[event:locationname] | Name of location associated with the event |
[event:locationurl] | URL of location associated with the event |
[event:recurringlabel]§ | Label defined for recurrence in the resource file |
[event:recurring]§ | Recurrence defined in the event |
[event:recurringicon]§ | Recurrence Icon |
[event:customfield1label] | Label defined for custom field 1 in the resource file |
[event:customfield1] | Custom field 1 defined in the event |
[event:customfield2label] | Label defined for custom field 2 in the resource file |
[event:customfield2] | Custom field 2 defined in the event |
[event:customfield3label] | Label defined for custom field 3 in the resource file |
[event:customfield3] | Custom field 3 defined in the event |
[event:titleurl]§ | HREF to the event detail page including title |
[event:eventurl]§ | URL to the event detail page |
[event:createdbylabel]§ | Label defined for created by in the resource file |
[event:createdby]§ | Name of user the event was Created By |
[event:createdbyid]§ | Userid of user the event was Created By |
[event:createdbyurl]§ | URL of the profile of user the event was Created By |
[event:createdbyprofile]§ | Link to the profile of user the event was Created By |
[event:createddatelabel] | Label defined for created date in the resource file |
[event:createddate|format] | Date the event was created |
[event:ownedbylabel] | Label defined for owned by in the resource file |
[event:ownedby]§ | Name of user the event is Owned By |
[event:ownedbyid]§ | Userid of user the event is Owned By |
[event:ownedbyurl]§ | URL of the profile of user the event is Owned By |
[event:ownedbyprofile]§ | Link to the profile of user the event is Owned By |
[event:lastupdatedbylabel]§ | Label defined for last updated by in the resource file |
[event:lastupdatedby]§ | Name of user the event was Last Updated By |
[event:lastupdatedbyid]§ | Userid of user the event was Last Updated By |
[event:lastupdatedbyurl]§ | URL of the profile of user the event was Last Updated By |
[event:lastupdatedbyprofile]§ | Link to the profile of user the event was Last Updated By |
[event:lastupdateddatelabel] | Label defined for last updated date in the resource file |
[event:lastupdateddate|format] | Date the event was last updated |
[event:alldayeventtext] | Label used for an All Day Event - e.g. '(All Day)' |
[event:maxenrollmentslabel] | Label of Max Enrolments |
[event:maxenrollments] | Maximum number of enrolments for the event |
[event:noenrollmentslabel] | Label of No. Enrolments |
[event:noenrollments] | Number of people currently enroled for the event |
[event:enrollfeelabel]§ | Label of Enrolment Fee |
[event:enrollfee]§ | Enrolment fee including currency |
[event:enrollicon]§ | Enrolment Icon |
[event:reminderlabel]§ | Label of Notification |
[event:reminder]§ | Notification information |
[event:remindericon]§ | Notification Icon |
Only available in enrolment emails |
[event:signupusername] | Name of user enrolled to an event |
[event:signupuserid | Userid of user enrolled to an event |
[event:signupdatelabel] | Label defined for start date in the resource file |
[event:signupdate|format] | Start date formatted (optional) by the format string * |
[event:noenroleeslabel] | Label of number of people enroled by this user |
[event:noenrolees] | Number of people enroled by this user |
§ - These tokens are not available in Event Reminders when running in Medium Trust |
* - See section below for date formatting advice |