In DotNetNuke 5.00.00, a new base class, DotNetNuke.Entities.BaseEntityInfo, was introduced to include the following standard readonly audit properties: CreatedByUserID, CreatedOnDate, LastModifiedByUserID, and LastModifiedOnDate which correspond to columns of the same name added to the table used to store your enty class objects which inherit from BaseEntityInfo. BaseEntityInfo exposes the following method:
Protected Overridable Sub FillInternal(ByVal dr As System.Data.IDataReader)
When implementing IHydratable.Fill in your custom entity class, don't forget to first call BaseEntityInfo.FillInternal as well to hydrate it's properties:
Public Sub Fill (ByVal dr As IDataReader) Implements DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules.IHydratable.Fill
' . . . Other assignments as in prior example
End Sub