If you set Do Not Add Cache Busting and you verify that the database was updated - AddCachebusterToResourceUris = False
Why does it still add a version # to everything? Especial to jquery from Google?
It says you should get jquery from Google as it will speed up your page load (because it is most likely cached) but then it adds cache buster version?
Now if Google busts the cache buster by ignoring ver=235 then what stops other caches from doing same thing? And if you go from jquery 1.9.1 to 1.9.2 then IIS takes care of it.
Yes I cleared the browser cache, server module cache, application pool, restarted domain, restarted IIS - several times.
I see no need for ver=235 as the combine scripts or css has never worked for me. So I use a gulp file to combine, minify js and css.
How do you really turn off the cachebuster in DNN?