I am new to DotNetNuke (Using 4.01.01 - have been told by I have to use this version) and I am trying to get an existing site running on a test machine I am setting up. I keep getting the following error whenever the function: GetListEntryInfoCollection is called in the code.
I tried to open the site settings by clicking on site under common settings and this is the error I get. It appears in the site settings section of the page and I tracked the error to likes like this: Dim colProcessor As Common.Lists.ListEntryInfoCollection = ctlList.GetListEntryInfoCollection("Processor")
Dim colList As Common.Lists.ListEntryInfoCollection = ctlList.GetListEntryInfoCollection("Currency")
As I am new to the framework I have no idea where to even start looking. I search google and have seen similar errors but I do not understand how the solutions provided can help me. Any help provided would be greatly appreciated.
Is there a settings file somewhere which needs this setup? Is this in the database? What does this function do? and what does the value passed into it do, eg. Processor and Currency?
Thanks in advance.
Error: Site Settings is currently unavailable.
DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions.ModuleLoadException: Parameter count does not match Parameter Value count. ---> System.ArgumentException: Parameter count does not match Parameter Value count. at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.AssignParameterValues(SqlParameter[] commandParameters, Object[] parameterValues) at Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data.SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(String connectionString, String spName, Object[] parameterValues) at DotNetNuke.Data.SqlDataProvider.GetListEntriesByListName(String ListName, String Value, String ParentKey) at DotNetNuke.Common.Lists.ListController.GetListEntryInfoCollection(String ListName, String Value, String ParentKey) at DotNetNuke.Common.Lists.ListController.GetListEntryInfoCollection(String ListName, String Value) at DotNetNuke.Common.Lists.ListController.GetListEntryInfoCollection(String ListName) at DotNetNuke.Modules.Admin.PortalManagement.SiteSettings.Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Development\Web\AcquisitionsDB\admin\Portal\SiteSettings.ascx.vb:line 316 --- End of inner exception stack trace ---